Peloton Let You Down?

Almost three years ago, when the pandemic emerged and gyms were forced to close, fitness fanatics around the world scrambled to find options to keep getting their sweat on. From elaborate garage gyms to Googling ‘bodyweight workouts for my tiny apartment,’ the fit would not be deterred.

Then there was Peloton. Sales surged during lockdowns and the company responded, adding treadmills and strength training to its already well-known, at-home cycling class lineup. Other companies followed suit with options like indoor rowing machines and wall-mounted, virtual “personal training” mirrors.

While all signs started pointing to at-home fitness as the new norm, CrossFit gym owners remained confident, knowing two big secrets: Variety is key and fitness is soooooo much better with friends.

It’s Not About The Bike.

Everyone loves new and shiny. When that brand-new Peloton bike arrives in someone’s living room, it glows with the grandeur of possibility. They think of all the rides they’ll take, grinning from ear to ear the whole time. They think of all the sweat they’ll sparkle with. In their mind, it will be just like the commercials.

Except it won’t be. Not only might consistently doing the same style of workout lead to a fitness plateau, how long can someone cycle day after day without losing motivation and needing variety? Peloton wisely added the strength option to give customers more variety (and a hefty, additional investment). However, no matter how many “upgrades” someone purchases for their state-of-the-art living room gym, the most important piece will always be missing: True human connection.

It’s The People.

CrossFit brings together a results-based combo of strength, endurance and flexibility, lead by experienced coaches, and then throws in the most significant factor: COMMUNITY. 

There is nothing like the atmosphere of a CrossFit class. A group of friends from different fitness levels that are lifting, sweating, laughing and encouraging each other, all the way to the finish line. A support group of people who will hold each other accountable for showing up and doing their best, whatever that looks like on any given day. 

Once someone experiences this camaraderie, it’s hard to fathom why anyone would ever walk – or cycle – this journey alone. You don’t have to believe me but will you try it to find out? Go to, click the “Affiliate” link at the top and choose “Find a Gym.” Then EMAIL ME and let me know how it goes!