Title: COACH

Qualifications: CrossFit Level 1

Social Media: @brandyyost (Instagram)

Notable Gym PRs:

Butterfly Pull-Ups, Toes to Bar

135# Squat Clean

140# Clean

100# Snatch

255# Deadlift


I was on the dance team and captain in high school. We won a National championship. I have tap danced since I was 4. I think dancing has helped me with timing in CrossFit for skills like double-unders and pull-ups. I was a state lifeguard for six years at a state park beach. I always seek out leadership positions in all I do. I am a high school teacher. I feel like I have the ability to relate to many different kinds of people and help them and make them feel welcome. I love to have fun.


I enjoy being a coach because I like helping people. Teaching and training are my calls in life no matter what the job is. I have enjoyed the benefits in health and with my own personal body, I have achieved from CrossFit and want to share that with others, I did not start CrossFit until I was 40 and I loved learning something new that wasn’t the same old boring workout. It is a challenge and I love to see people grow and achieve new goals.


A turning point in my life was in 2019 when my business shut down and a dream was killed, then my house burnt down and my grandparents both passed away. Covid of course happened. This was a tough year of reevaluating what was important in life, being resilient, and having a new perspective to live every minute to its fullest and have fun.