Title: COACH

Qualifications: CrossFit Level 1, M.S. in Biology (Purdue University), B.S. in Biology (Butler University)

Social Media: @ahiday16 (Instagram)

Notable Gym PRs:

I am good at burpees


I am a scientist, a husband, a dog dad, and a lifelong nerd. CrossFit has shown me what I am capable of if given the right environment. I was decidedly bad at team sports growing up and never would have considered myself an athlete. CrossFit's unique format has allowed me to be part of a team, while at the same time having to be self-reliant.


Besides really, really liking telling people what to do, I feel that I have some natural leadership abilities, and becoming a coach has allowed me to flex those metaphorical muscles, as well as my physical ones. My goal is to help athletes develop as I have seen myself develop over the past few years.


Before I started CrossFit, I was putting in so many hours at the gym with just about nothing to show for it. Hop on a treadmill? No problem. Add some weight to my squat? GTFO. I was bored, frustrated, and burnt out. Then about 4 1/2 years ago, I found a little gym just up the road from me (the old TWR location). I had never done a CrossFit workout before but decided to drop in. Every single part of my body hurt the next day, but I knew it would pay off if I stuck with it. The rest is history.