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Lower insurance premiums. Reduced absenteeism.

Every corporate wellness program focuses on these things but ultimately, you're losing the most money because of PRESENTEEISM: physically being at work but not actually working. Poor employee health is the main cause of this and can be extremely costly, often 2 to 3 times greater than direct health care expenses.

OUR MISSION: Help your team increase performance by making them stronger, healthier, motivated, committed, able to not only manage stress but to thrive, and eager for the next challenge.

But, why Corporate Athlete? This is business, not sports. 

The same methods that enable world-class athletes to reach an ideal performance state under pressure are equally effective for business leaders. The average professional athlete spends most of his time practicing and only a small percentage—several hours a day, at most—actually competing. The typical corporate employee, by contrast, devotes almost no time to training and must perform on demand ten, 12, 14 hours a day or more. 

There are three key parallels that put our program on the top of the podium:

  • TRACKING - The only way athletes get better is by tracking their progress. The Corporate Athlete program includes extensive metrics, from overall on-the-job productivity to individual training and nutrition goals. We're not talking surface or subjective goals, we're digging deep into the numbers.

  • INCENTIVIZING - Athletes train to win. Typical corporate wellness programs offer incentives but they're not incentivizing right. Incentives should be valuable and worth fighting for. Winning a game is one thing, winning the championship is everything.

  • TURNKEY - The team owner isn't the person to train the athlete. He/she hires the coaches, who use their expertise to train the athlete. You win with the Corporate Athlete because we do all the work and you take all the credit. We do us, you do you. Your team wins.

Happier, healthier employees. Lower costs. Tell me more.

All "corporate athlete" packages include the following:

  • Results-focused fitness training (options include CrossFit™ classes, personal training, small group training, open gym time, unlimited cycling, yoga and Les Mills™, the world's most popular group fitness classes)

  • 30-day kickoff challenge

  • "Find Your Why" Workshop - brain balance and wellness routine creation

  • Nutrition planning & meal prep guidance

  • Exclusive "Corporate Athlete" performance planner and tracking program

  • Effectual and impactful incentive program

  • "Unapologetically fun" approach to everything... this isn't your normal wellness program.

"Built to suit" options (You decide what you want. We'll customize your package.)

  • On-site workouts with a coach at your business

  • Small group (or employee-only) training

  • Healthy food delivery from Artie’s on the Go

  • Injury screening

  • Chiropractic/Rehab services

  • Massage therapy

  • Recovery services (cryotherapy, infrared sauna, Normatec boots, float tank therapy)

  • Personal training

  • Sport-specific groups: run/bike/triathlon

  • Activity outings: rock climbing, kayaking, etc.

  • Inter-company competitions

  • Discounts from local partners (restaurants, clothing, breweries, spas, etc)

You want numbers. (aka "Prove it")

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HEALTH CARE COSTS: Among 22 studies on wellness programs and healthcare costs, the average return on investment (ROI) was $3.27! This means that for every dollar that was spent on the program, the company saved $3.27 because of reduced health care costs!

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Think about this: “Companies can’t afford to address their employees’ cognitive capacities while ignoring their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.” Let’s simplify: All the on-the-job skills training means nothing if your employees can’t physically function or worse, haven’t found a reason to do so. Want people to be able to work hard for you? Give them the tools – not just cognitive, but physical, along with a sense of purpose – and watch performance soar.

DID YOU KNOW? Your contribution and incentives may be tax deductible! Consult your tax professional.


The Making of a Corporate Athlete (by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz): CLICK HERE

Financial Impact of Health Promotion Programs: A Comprehesive Review of the Literature (by Steven G. Aldana, PhD): CLICK HERE

Presenteeism according to healthy behaviors, physical health, and work environment (by multiple contributors): CLICK HERE


Source: The Making of a Corporate Athlete by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, Harvard Business Review ©2001